Fat ass, Lechon, Piggy, Oink oink, Balyena...those are just the few names I've been called... 😁😂 I have been fat since the beginning (well, according to the BMI chart anyway) and I am 25 years old now. So that is a number of years in a fat body. I’ve had lots of time to become comfortable with taking up a lot more space than other women in my social circles. Hahaha!

I won't be a hypocrite and tell everyone that I have never dreamt of having a sexy body just like the girls you see on magazines and fashion runwway. But I got over it eventually. I accepted myself for who I truly am and move forward. I mean, we're all given this vessel, this body, and we all have a purpose. For me, if there's something I don't like about myself, I'll accept it—the sooner you can accept it, then you can work on making it better. 
I've realized that true beauty comes from the soul. To change yourself and to conform to anyone else's standards of beauty, is to change your essence, so own who you are and you become a truly powerful woman. It's all about accepting yourself the way you are.

And then they ask me, how does someone as fat as you have so much confidence? Where do you get your great self-esteem?

I have gotten this question a lot. And the answer is.. I stay positive and don't let other people's doubts slow me down.

I mean, we do get that “thin is beautiful” message crammed into our brains daily. And, thin is beautiful. But so is fat, old, young, athletic, fluffy, varying mobilities and abilities, thick, tall and short! We’re all beautiful and we all deserve to feel beautiful. Know that body shape and size does not equate to good health. Prioritizing confidence and self awarness will make you happier.

All I can say is that the only person that can stop you from achieving your goals is yourself. If you believe, then everyone else will too. Be proud of who you are and don't change for anyone.

Above all else, love yourself, because you deserve it.

If you don't love who you are, you are never going to feel 100 percent satisfied in life. It all starts with you. If you don't love you, nobody else is going to be able to.

#mojaTravels #EstiloCurves #EstiloSummer

Instagram post by @maryjanecinco MARY JANE CINCO